
Did you know that a root canal is technically just a different name for the nerve (also called pulp) in the center of a tooth? Or that root canal therapy is simply removing that pulp if it is damaged or infected, then sealing your tooth again? While root canal therapy is dreaded, it is also very important to prevent the spread of infection. But how can you know if you need root canal therapy? Granted, a dentist will be able to give you a precise answer, but we’re happy to offer a few signs you should watch for.

As a general rule, if you have a toothache you should call a dentist. If you have intense pain that refuses to subside, you may need root canal therapy. This is especially true if you experience pain or sensitivity to temperature while you’re chewing.

Similarly, if your gums swell you may need root canal therapy. In reality, it doesn’t matter how sever the swelling is, or if it visible outside of your smile or not. Another sign related to this problem is a painful, potentially recurring, pimple on your gums.

Finally, if one or more of your teeth start to take on a different shade, there may be a problem with your pulp. Because the outer layer of your teeth is transparent, if you pulp becomes infected it can be visible on your smile.

Have you noticed any of these signs? Or are you interested in learning more about the need for root canal therapy? Are you simply interested in scheduling an appointment with our team? If you said yes to any of these questions, please feel free to contact us today. We will gladly answer any questions you may have.